Thank you for following the adventures of Col. Thomas E. Scoundrel in his first book, Scoundrel in the Thick. To enter the contest, simply answer this question in the box below: who or what was your favorite passage, character, or story in the book, and why? Please include the Chapter number with your answer.
Contest ends March 28, 2022. Winners will be notified by email and announced on this page. Thanks for entering, and good luck!
“Yep, that’s me on page 154..and 267…and 419..and…”
6 people will receive the 2nd Prize: hardcover editions signed by B.R. O’Hagan
Coffee not included…sorry!
12 People will receive the 3rd Prize: the ebook edition of Scoundrel in the Thick
That’s right, a character in the upcoming book, Scoundrel in Paradise, will be named after you. Will it be a good guy (or gal), or a bad guy? Who knows…but you will have bragging rights for the rest of your life! (The winner will be asked to sign a release so that your heirs don’t come after us for muddying your reputation. So sayeth the lawyers….) Don’t miss your chance to become immortal.
We will put your special message inside.