Thomas Scoundrel Meets Wolfgang Mozart

LA Opera Production of Figaro Stars Craig Colclough, the 'Voice' of Thomas Scoundrel

This Saturday, February 4th, internationally acclaimed opera performer Craig Colclough takes center stage as the title character in the Los Angeles Opera production of Mozart's delightful comedy, The Marriage  of Figaro. This role catapults Craig to the top tier of opera singers in the world.Craig did a magnificent job with the audio version of Scoundrel in the Thick, and we are excited to announce that he will be recording  the 2nd book in the Thomas Scoundrel series, Scoundrel in Paradise.

By way of celebrating, we are giving away 25 free downloads of the audio version of In the Thick. Go HERE for details, and if you are in LA between February 4-26 you might want to drop by the opera. When you do, please say hello for us!